Getting across two lanes of fast moving traffic, with a rapidly decreasing motorbike, which I had to side pedal, with my feet; was pretty difficult and scary, but I made it and pushed the bike about a quarter of a mile to a dusty lay by.
Here I found this lovely new plant.
I am a bit unclear about this plant. I think it might be one of the 'Milk Vetch' family, but I would defiantly say, that I have not yet clearly identified this plant. It kind of vaguely resembles a Lupin, but I am sure its a vetch of some kind.
After examining the Vetch and taking a few photos'; the bike started again, but then broke down again in Exeter. I had to call the breakdown people.
Since I had broken down outside my friends house and told the breakdown people that they could take their time, if they had any more important calls; they took 5 minutes! The last 2 times I have broken down in remote locations, once in the rain and they took 4 hours, both times.

It is really heartwarming, when people do things like that.

The moon was full and the rain was intermittent. The walk was not too bad, but; what am I going to do if my bike doesn't work?
My Bike was toed away by Carl the next day. What am I going to do?
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