Today, I still have no transport & am having to make do with what I have got in the garden, which is mainly Campions and Wild Strawberries.
Firstly I will start with a brief demonstration of how wild Strawberries can quickly spread by vegetative means, in the form of runners, just like cultivated strawberries do:
As you can see on the right hand caption; many runners grow from a single plant and grow out in all directions, along the ground, up to about just over a metre (4 Feet), with many little plantlets all along each runner, which quickly find comfort, with even the shallowest rockiest soils and form a massive clump in very little time.
Today I am planting along the leat, in on the edges of rocky surfaces and sowing seeds, where there are disturbed patches of soil, such as mole hills.

A few days ago; I broke down at night, with no phone and in the rain . A long way from where I had come from and a long way from where I was headed.
Fortunately I had a bag of Tomatoes, my friend had grown & given me, so I had food & I knew of a disused railway building, beside a massive viaduct on what used to be a railway line and is now a cycle-path, so I had somewhere dry and draughty to sleep.
Hopefully today's plants will spread into the cracks in the wall, which runs along the leat. When I plant a Wild Strawberry; I like to push the roots of all the plantlets along the runners into the soil as well.

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