Tuesday 27 December 2011

How Blackthorns transform Grassland into Woodland

An army of invading suckers
Blackthorns, which are a thorny member of the Cherry family (prunus); if present, are highly effective at transforming grassland into woods.

As demonstrated here, by the first two photos.

Each Blackthorn sends out underground rhizomes, which sprout new trees up as little suckers, at intervals, and in all directions, from the patent plant.  These quickly grow and form expanding, prickly clumps. Creating food and safe nesting sites for birds, as well as catering to the needs of many other creatures, big and small.

Protected from large grazing herbivores; little Oaks and Birch trees seed and grow unhindered, under the tangled mass of prickles, provided by the Blackthorns.  These soon become bigger and displace them, forming the early stages of mature woodland.

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