Snow Stops Play!
I have been promising my Cat, 'Sally' that I would let her star in a blog-post, so here she is in her debut purr-formance, scanning the horizon, from what she possibly regards as a good vantage point.
I was planning to drive off today and get some more trees, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen now. There is no way I could justify driving 20+ miles (30+ Km) in this. It's also starting to settle on the main road at the top of this road.
According to the local shop; it is a warm front and will snow on its leading edge and then it will turn to rain and everything will melt. But I remain sceptical, as it has been well below zero for days now and it's snowing in lowland Exeter, which means that it might not get warm enough to rain up here and we might just get loads more heavy snow.
I am supposed to be moving house next week. I hope I'm not going to be trapped up here, like I have been for the past three Winters. Perhaps Mother Nature is trying to keep me here.
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