Monday, 6 February 2012

Collecting Primroses

Primroses have spread like crazy, in my garden.  So now I am digging up a loads, to transplant else where.
These plants seem to not be too keen on being transplanted and often fail to flower for the first couple of years, when planted in the wild.  It is necessary to get them with a good root ball, so as to make their move as stress-free as possible. 
Primroses will thrive in a number of different environments but will only spread by seed, if there is not too much grass or other vegetation, blocking the sunlight from their seedlings.  They do so well in gardens because of the bare earth in the borders and the cut lawns.  Primroses also do very well in rock faced banks and hedges.
If Primroses are planted in mossy grass; they will spread much faster as the moss is shorter than grass and the seedlings will have enough light to grow.

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