Thursday 15 December 2011

Scrumping Apples

Allot of Apples always go to waste up here.  For years it was in a wild garden, to some barely used chalet type property.

Now it's a designated building plot.

The only practical way up to there is up this lamppost, much easier than it looks, all the kids in our street, could climb up this lamppost.

So many Apples just dropping off the trees, such a waste.

I picked about fifty nice ones off the tree and threw them down to my accomplice, who preferred not to be mentioned on here (the photographer). 

It is always sad to see food going to waste.
I hope these Apple Trees survive the new houses being built on the site, but even if they do; I doubt I will be able to climb up there, when they are in the tiny squashy little gardens of some gruesome new development.

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